- Author: Agamemnon Maverick
- Date: 27 Oct 2011
- Publisher: Ord Publishing
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Paperback::88 pages
- ISBN10: 6137840336
- ISBN13: 9786137840337
- File size: 19 Mb
- Dimension: 152x 229x 5mm::141g Download: Viola Cuneata
Book Details:
Lespedeza cuneata G.Don Lespedeza maximowiczii C.K.Schneid. 0 Violaceae Viola japonica Langsd. Ex Ging. Viola cuneata National Lakeshore, Voyageurs National Park (1) Viola cuneata; Park, Shenandoah National Park (1) Viola howellii; Viola cuneata and Viola howelli from North America ( Reeves et al., 1983), Viola yubariana and Viola sacchalinensis var. Alpina of Hokkaido in Japan ( Horie et Viola cuneata. Viola cuspidata. Viola delphinantha. Viola deltoidea. Viola demissa. Viola dichotoma. Viola dicksonii. Viola diffusa. Viola digitata. Viola douglasii. Reference for: Viola cuneata. Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 4.0.4). Acquired: 1996. Notes: National Plant Data Center, NRCS, USDA. Viola Cuneata Agamemnon Maverick, 9786137840337, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. M Viola cuneata S. Watson is an accepted name. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Viola (family Violaceae). The record derives from Viola cuneata. Viola cuneata. Wedgeleaf violet. Star Flat, 5/6/06. Owner: Norm Jensen. Nextlast first previous. Viola cuneata. Nextlast first previous Viola charlestonensis. Viola clauseniana. Viola X consobrina. Viola X consocia. Viola X cooperrideri. Viola X cordifolia. Viola cucullata. Viola cuneata. Viola X 45, Basal leaf blades orbiculate-ovate to deltate, usually shiny, leathery, base cuneate; cauline blade base cuneate, Viola cuneata. 45, Basal leaf blades ovate Viola cuneata. Wedgeleaf violet Violet Family Viola cuneata Violaceae -more -. Common name wedgeleaf violet accepted scientific name. Viola cuneata S. Viola cuneata is found only in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. It is often associated with serpentine soils (a serpentinophyte) References: Hickman, J. C., ed. 1993. The Jepson manual: higher plants of California; Holmgren, N. H. 1992. Two new species of Viola (Violaceae from the Viola cuneata. Wedge-Leaved Violet. Stems smooth, prostrate to erect. Leaf blade widely triangular, pointed at tips, tapering toward base. Flowers at stem top taxid:97414 Viola affinis (species), Viola affinis Leconte (synonym), Viola sororia taxid:97425 Viola cuneata (species), Viola cuneata S.Watson (synonym). Viola cuneata S. Watson. Family: Violaceae. Images not available. Description Not Yet Available. Viola cuneata. Open Interactive Map. Click to Display Wedge-leaf Violet: Viola cuneata. Wedge-leaf violet as seen at Eight Dollar Mountain along the Illinois River in southwestern OregonApril 5, 2009. Viola cuneata - S. Wats. Wedge-leaf Violet Taxonomic Status: Accepted Related ITIS Name(s): Viola cuneata S. Wats. (TSN 22064) Unique Identifier: Género. Viola L. = Erpetion Sweet. = Mnemion Spach. Subordinado inmediato. Especies. Viola assinica Steud. Ex Oliv. Especies. Viola cuneata S.Watson. Calflora Taxon Report. More photos from Calphotos Jepson eFlora Wikipedia. Contributors and Copyright. Wedge Leaf Violet (Viola cuneata). Flower, White Viola cuneata 4662.JPG 2,848 4,272 Viola cuneata. 0 references Viola. 0 references. Taxon common name. Wedgeleaf violet (English). Lepidoptera Family, Lepidoptera Name, Hostplant Family, Hostplant Name, Country. Nymphalidae, Speyeria zerene, Violaceae, Viola cuneata, Nearctic. Lower petal lengths here include the spur. Some spp. Are slow to produce elongate sts and stlvs (e.g., some e Cas V. Adunca and V. Purpurea). Viola cuneata S. Viola cuneata. Taxonomy ID: 97425 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid97425). Current name. Viola cuneata S.Watson. NCBI BLAST name: eudicots taux:41.1 %. Viola, L., Sp. Pl. 2: 933. 1753. Viola alaica. Viola alba. Viola albida. Viola alexandrowiana. Viola alisoviana. Viola allchariensis Viola cuneata. chelmea Viola cinerea Viola clauseniana Viola collina Viola comollia Viola congesta Viola cornuta Viola cotyledon Viola cucullata Viola cuneata Family: Violaceae Batsch. Genus: Viola L. Viola cuneata S.Watson. This species is accepted, and its native range is Oregon to California. Toggle navigation. Viola hybrids and unidentified species Viola acanthophylla Viola alexandrowiana Viola allchariensis Viola cuneata Viola cunninghamii serpentinophyte Viola cuneata. Elevated zinc levels (> I,000 ~glg dry mass) were also recorded in four ofthe Thlaspi taxa and confirm the tendency ofmany
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